Tuesday, June 04, 2024

How to use GUI in Ubuntu Multipass

Currently, Multipass does not provide a complete graphical interface for use like virtual machine software such as VMware or VirtualBox.

Of course, there are alternative solutions. You can connect to a Multipass instance using RDP, VNC, or X forwarding methods.

Here, I will use the X forwarding method, so when I need to use a GUI, I can launch the graphical interface of the relevant app from the CLI.

Step1. Create an SSH public key on your local machine 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Enhanced version of Ubuntu Multipass

A long time ago, there was an introduction on how to use Ubuntu's Multipass. If you're interested, you can refer to the following link below:


Today, I'm here to introduce to you the enhanced version of Multipass (currently in the beta channel of Snap).

1. Install it from snap beta channel:

Monday, May 06, 2024

安裝Ubuntu 22.04到新的X1

前幾天把舊X1的Ubuntu升級到22.04後體驗上還不錯,所以今天早上就把new X1也安裝了Ubuntu 22.04並且一樣保留Windows作業系統。(雙系統)


1. 關閉Windows的Bitlocker

2. 透過Windows內建的磁碟管理程式 -> 壓縮現有磁碟區 -> 分割出新的磁碟區 (之後裝Ubuntu)

3. 進入BIOS關閉Secure boot

4. 用Ubuntu 22.04的USB flash開機 

5. 選擇保留Windows boot loader跟grub一起,並且把Ubuntu安裝到步驟#2的磁碟區

之後就很順利完工囉~ 這篇文章就是用new X1+Ubuntu打的 :D

Friday, May 03, 2024

20.04.6 LTS to 22.04.03 LTS 筆記

今天把一台很久沒用的X1 laptop從Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS升級到22.04.03之後,目前發現到兩個問題:

1. 無法使用gnome-terminal與terminator

爬了一下文看到很多人也遇到類似的問題,有人分享更改預設語言的方法然後重新開機並登入後可以解決,但我試了好幾次都失敗,後來發現當我開啟Settings -> Region & Language -> Manage Installed Languages之後視窗會直接crash,用Xterm直接執行gnome-terminal看到有error,最後死馬當活馬醫把我最懷疑的gcin移除掉並重新開機登入後gnome-terminal與terminator就正常了!沒想到這招有用!

2. 無法開啟Chrome


wget -c https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

sudo apt-get install -f


Friday, March 29, 2024

I am back~

Hi, I'm back. It's been a long time since the last update. I'm curious, is anyone still reading the blog now? Very curious. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

利用nmcli連接802.1X wlan


由於公司內部實在太多AP跟SSID了,在UC18 GNOME的環境一開NetworkManager scan wifi就會整個hang住,稍微研究了一下怎麼用nmcli的方式連上一個802.1X WLAN。

$ nmcli con add type wifi ifname <wifi interface> con-name <connection_profile> ssid <SSID>

$ nmcli connection edit id <connection_profile>

nmcli> set ipv4.method auto

nmcli> set 802-1x.eap peap

nmcli> set 802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2

nmcli> set 802-1x.identity USERNAME

nmcli> set 802-1x.password PASSWORD

nmcli> set wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap

nmcli> save

nmcli> activate


Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Multipass可以幫助Linux user快速架設起一個虛擬機器來做測試用,它類似VMWare, KVM, VirtualBox這些虛擬機器的技術,不過確有著docker的使用經驗。一個命令就可以讓user無痛叫起一台虛擬機器來使用,以下列出我常使用的命令。

1. 安裝Multipass:
$ snap install multipass --classic

2. 查詢有哪些image可以使用?
$ multipass find

3. 新增虛擬機器:
$ multipass launch 20.04

以上可以看到我的系統剛剛新增了一台Ubuntu 20.04 LTS的機器(appealing-escolar),而且已經啟動了。

4. 進入虛擬機器的shell
$ multipass shell appealing-escolar

$ multipass transfer testfile shipshape-bat:

更多指令與功能請參考 --help

$ multipass --help