Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Linux掛載Windows NTFS磁區之方法


Setup1. Make sure Linux system can detected your HD. (fdisk –l)

Setup2. Know your kernel version. (uname –r)

Setup3. Reference the following website to get the correct rpm. (Linux-NTFS Project:

Setpu4. rpm –ivh kernel-module-ntfs*

Setup5. Reboot your machine.

Setup6. Create a mount point (mkdir /mnt/ntfs)

Setup7. mount /dev/hda# /mnt/ntfs –t ntfs –o utf8=yes

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

實作NTP Server 與 NTP Client

環境: SLES9
目的: 架設一台NTP Server並提供時間同步的服務給NTP Client

NTP Server:
# vi /etc/ntp.conf -> NTP Server的設定檔
server prefer -> 加入到此設定檔中
# rcxntpd start; chkconfig xntpd on -> 注意是xntpd唷!

NTP Client:
# ntpdate "NTP Server IP address"
# hwclock -w -> 因為Linux的時間有區分為System time與BIOS time,所以記得要同步一下唷!

PS. NTP Client嘗試要跟NTP Server同步時間時,有時會失敗,這是因為NTP Server套用新的設定檔後,要等一段時間才會生效,為了這個我還查了好久 @@