Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Robust Audio Tool (RAT)

之前為了測試IGMP protocol,嘗試使用Windows Media Server/Helix Universal Server&Proxy,都失敗了,我想應該是我不懂multicast跟媒體串流的原理,不管怎麼try,抓到的封包都是unicast而不是multicast,就這樣try了三天,終於宣告失敗,忍痛暫時擱著.
今天,不小心竟然讓我找到了一個好軟體"RAT",簡單的來說可以利用它跟遠端的PC聊天,而且它還支援unicast and multicast.....真是太好用了! 以下是它的簡介與官方網站:
The Robust Audio Tool (RAT) is a an open-source audio conferencing and streaming application that allows users to particpate in audio conferences over the internet. These can be between two participants directly, or between a group of participants on a common multicast group.


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